sedivention presents at Life Science Intelligence (LSI) Europe ’23, Barcelona (Spain)

sedivention presents its innovative medical device and novel therapy during the LSI Europe ’23 conference in Barcelona (Spain). At the EMERGING MEDTECH SUMMIT 2023 taking place in Barcelona 18-22 September 2023, sedivention connected with the leading partners, innovators, investores, and strategics building medtech companies.   Presenting innovators like sedivention are an essential component of LSI

​Second place for sedivention at BayStartUP Munich Business Plan Competition ​

Second place for sedivention at BayStartUP Munich Business Plan Competition  ​sedivention took part in the third phase of the Munich Business Plan Competition and convinced the judges with its promising business concept.​ Treatment of obesity by obliterating the “hunger nerve” from inside the stomach: sedivention is developing a cryo-catheter and a cryo-ballon, the “Blizzard Balloon”,

Science4Life awards sedivention for its outstanding business idea

Development of a medical device for an one-off, outpatient treatment against obesity: similar to a gastroscopy, the nerves that transmit the feeling of hunger from the stomach to the brain are sclerosed. This reduces the feeling of hunger and makes it easier to lose weight. Without implants, surgery or medication. Press release Science4Life (26. June

sedivention wins 1st place from BayStartUP – Munich Business Plan Competition

New medical device and innovative therapy convices jury. sedivention has been awarded with the 1st place from BayStartUP for its development of a new medical device and innovative therapy.  The sedivention team took part in phase 2 of the Munich Business Plan Competition 2023 and impressed the judges with its promising business concept. The therapy

BayStartUP nominates sedivention to be one of the 10 most successfull start-ups 

The Munich Business Plan Competition 2023 comes to its final phase and sedivention is nominated as one of the top 10 start-ups.  The jury was impressed by the innovative therapy and convinced that sedivention’s business model and approach will be successful on the market. Press release of BayStartUP (14.03.2023) Home

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